Sunday, July 5, 2009

Ups & Downs of Italy - My Perspective

What's great about Italy:
* They have a rougue-ish approach to life - living by rules only when it suits them (this can also be not-so-great);
* They provide lots of drinking fountains for the thirsty locals;
* They appreciate their art & history & teach their kids about it too;
* They are quite open with their fellings - well, the lust & love feelings they are;
* You rarely get a bad coffee;
* You can get around with basic Italian knowledge - very basic, trust me;
* The pizzas & gelato are fabbo!

What's not-so-great:
* Many like to rip off tourists whenever they get a chance;
* Some cities just aren't clean - there's rubbish all over the place;
* Public urination - the guys just pull it out, it seems, whenever they need to at times;
* It's rare to find a hotel (3-star & less) that has an English TV chanel;
* The likelihood of getting run over is quite high if you're not really careful.

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