Friday, August 7, 2009

Berlin to Warsaw

Another day, another train trip. This one was a six hour ride to Central Station in Warsaw, leaving at 12:29pm. There was a compartment of 6 people - a German (Peter), an English couple, a young Israeli woman, two Polish men, & me.
Peter was a railway engineer & we chatted consistently for over 3 hours until his stop arrived & he left. I had a bit of a challenging chat with the Israeli woman about the Israel/Palestinian conflict. I wanted to know why the Jewish people didn’t seem to appreciate that the Palestinian people also needed a homeland. That the constant conflict was extremely detrimental to the children who had only ever known conflict & war. She just said it was complicated & that no one could work out an answer. I felt that was a bit of a cop out, like she felt that nothing could be done so why try. It was a disappointing, but interesting, result.
I also located a wonderful warning sign on the train - see photo.
The train arrived at 6:20pm & after consulting with a few locals that could speak a bit of English, I finally found the direction of my hotel. A 25-min walk later, I arrived there.

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